Open Pairs

1998 to 2015

1968 to 1997
Audre Erhardt Memorial Pairs Non-Life Master Winners

2005 to 2014

1993 to 2004
Annual Junior Award - Hines Trophy

1990 - Jere Moorman

1988 - Frank Nugent
Stuper Bowl Perpetual Trophy

1986 to 1990

Hazel Brunn Trophy

2001 to 2006
Jay Haas Memorial Trophy

1976 to 1978

Tribute Trophy

The Bridge Center Open Pairs in Honor of Gladys Knox

1978 to 1986
ACBL Master Pairs Winners

2000 to 2015

1988 to 1999

1976 to 1987

1968 to 1975
Dee Floyd - Master Pairs

Aces and Honors - 70% Games

1988 to 1990

1987 to 1988

1985 to 1987
The Lenny Vogel Cup

1991 to 1994
Hazel Brunn Valuable Player Trophy

1959 to 1969
Bob Rice Cup

1987 to 1983

